I Have a New Nation in My Heart

Kenneth Copeland – November 4, 2014

“The dominating power and authority of My Word is very plain and very
obvious in the Scripture. I made certain statements calling things that be not as though they were. I said a virgin would give birth to a child in the city of Bethlehem. And My Word dominated the heavens and the earth and peoples in the earth for over 700 years until that child was born in Bethlehem at the appointed time, by the appointed virgin, and the Son came into the earth at the exact proper time.

“I have spoken certain words over this Nation. They will come to pass. They are coming to pass now and all of the things that Satan has attempted to carry out in order to stop My voice in the earth has come to naught. For I said this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all nations and then the end shall come, and not before. It’s coming to pass, and this Nation is the cradle of that message. It has come out of this Nation, the revelations and the changes that have taken place. And over the years and centuries that have gone by, I’ve called upon this Nation to be My judgment arm. I’ve called on this Nation to be My voice. I’ve called on this Nation and many, many of your sons and daughters have answered My call and laid their lives on the line and I do not forget that.

“So hear, My people. Hear My voice. Yes. The door is open. Repent and come through it; for I have a plan, and it’s the “blessing plan”, and it’s far greater than anything you have ever seen before. I have a new birth for this Nation. I have planned a nation that, right at this moment, you really don’t have any concept of what it’s like. For think back to 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773 and a new nation was being born. But do you think that the men of that hour had any concept of what this Nation would look like 100 years from that time? No. They had no idea. It had never happened before.

“Hear My words, America. I have a new nation in My heart and in My mind and you don’t know what it looks like. The door is open. Step through it and together we will bring a new nation on the earth, one Nation under God that trusts in God. And there are those that would say, ‘How could that possibly come to pass?’ It can come to pass because I am God and I change not. And My plan has already been planned before the foundation of the world. And you listen to Me, and you walk with Me, and together we’ll see it come to pass.

“But for all of those who will turn their back on what I am doing now, you will be like those of old who get trapped in the desert, and your bones will fall in the desert, and you will not experience the greatness that I have in store.

“But I have a people. I have a people that have humbled themselves and have turned from their wicked ways, and I have more and more and more that are seeking My face. And I’ll tell you this: I’m easy to find. And I’ve raised up people throughout this Nation and I have a people all over this earth who are praying for the United States in this very hour, who are holding this country up before Me because they realize they need this Nation also.

“So these are the days of your deliverance. Rejoice, and be glad because I have given you your Nation back. And the manifestation of its new birth is at hand. So rejoice and lift up your head and be of good cheer. Your sins are forgiven you.”

Other Related U.S. Words

I’ve Given You Your Nation Back

Kenneth Copeland, Nov 4th, 2012

“Let’s go back to what the Lord said to Terri in 2008. He said: ‘I’ve given you your Country back, what are you going to do with it?’

Terri Copeland Pearsons, November, 2008

“I heard it. I heard it: ‘We’ve got our Nation back'”

click here for video

Kenneth Copeland, Nov 4th, 2014

“For instance, when I saw that clip of [Terri] that night – I thought of the word of the Lord came to you: ‘we got our Nation back’. Oh, do I remember that moment. I saw it and I relived it again. And Barack Obama had just been elected President (just after that). And we got our Nation back? What does this mean? Well, number one: God calls things that be not as though they were. And its like – I believe George said: ‘He gave us something to say.’ And that’s true. Now, that word was not Terri’s own. The Father that dwells within gave her that word. So now, we began to say that: ‘We’ve got our Nation back’. ‘We’ve got our Nation back'”

click here for video

Greatest Spiritual Awakening

Kenneth Copeland – Southwest Believer’s Convention – August 4th, 2009

“This is not the time of the downfall of your Nation. Your Nation is under covenant with Me.

“You are witnessing not the failure of the United States, you are witnessing the failure of a worldly financial system that has eroded (over the years) My Word of prosperity, My Word of function, My Word that this Nation began on and prospered beyond any nation in the history of this world.

“No. The United States is not falling. No. I will not allow that to happen.

“I remember that this is the most giving nation in history and I will not, I will not, I will not let you go.

“No, no, no. I did not bring this financial disaster on this Nation. Now some have said that ‘this is judgment’, and it IS judgment, but I’m not bringing judgment on this Nation. The seed of sin and Babylonian world thinking has in itself its own judgment and its own disaster. And when you continue to walk out of line with My Word, and My plan, and My way, you will eventually fail. It’s not this Nation that’s failing, it IS the system it has eroded into by getting away from My Word and depending on Me. But fear not, I have my eye on it and it will go only so far and no further.

“And you will see it. You will see in it. You will be in it. You will be involved in the greatest spiritual awakening that this Nation has ever seen! This is My time!”

End of Babylonian System

Kenneth Copeland – November 2, 2009, Prayer Mountain, Branson, MO

“This is not the end of the United States of America. It is the end of the social Babylonian system trying to take it over for 110 years”

Everything is Going to be Alright

Kenneth Copeland, August 6th, 2010 Southwest Believer’s Convention

“The world is in serious trouble. But for the Household of Faith, and those that will cling to My Word and listen very carefully, and do this thing that I have demonstrated before you tonight, and night after night. You can do that. You can do it yourself. You can stand in your place and you can worship and you can praise in the face of hell itself. And you can praise yourself into that place where you say: ‘everything is going to be alright’.

“The world – I’ll tell you again – is in serious trouble. Some very hard things are coming in different places around the world. Very difficult times in a lot of places. They’re that way now. But they’ll not get better, they will continue to get worse and worse and worse. It is on a downhill run that the world cannot stop. But for the Household of Faith, everything’s going to be alright. Everything is going to be ‘all-right’.

“Oh yeah, you’ll have to make a stand. You’ll have to fight the good fight of faith. When did you not have to? These are dangerous times. They’re dangerous times financially. They’re dangerous times in the earth because the earth is weighted under a gross weight of sin. And there are things and places, and situations underneath the earth, in the oceans, in the heavens – things are being rattled and shaken and the earth is trying to break in different places.

“Well, stand on My Word and it will not come neigh you. Praise and worship My name. Don’t feed – feed fear and feed trouble into your life and into your mouth. No, no, no, no. Quit living in that house. Get on back over here in the Household of Faith. Feed on my Word. Not on the bread of sorrow. Feed on my Word. Look on My face. Praise and worship and praise and worship. In church, praise and worship and preach the Word. Praise and worship and preach the word. Everything’s going to be alright.

“For as I’ve said, and will continue to say until it becomes solid and strong in your spirit, your time has come. It is your time to excel. It is your time to do exceeding, extraordinary things. In the financial world. In the medical world. In all the areas that the world is in such dyer trouble and so confused that they are confused beyond their ability to understand how confused they really are. And they’re hurting because of it. And they’re crying out because of it. People are trying to take advantage of people because they’re so confused and because they’re so troubled. And I’ll tell you right now, there are politicians, there are businessmen, there are thieves, and there are all kinds of demonic folks that are trying to take advantage of My people during a confusing time, and I’ll tell your right now, you can write it down and you can know if for sure:

I won’t put up with it, and I’ll stop them for doing such a thing. And you are going to see some things happen. Fear not. I have My eye on them. They’ll go so far and no further. They’re end is already determined. I will not put up with it. I will not put up with it. They have pushed me and pushed me and invited me out of their lives and their thinking and many cases and many personalities and many people that are at the forefront of the news in this hour I have already turned over to a disobedient, reprobate mind.

I am the Lord God. And I’ll not have my people run roughshod. My people that are crying out to me. I utter my Word through My servant, and you make mark of it: ‘Everything is going to be alright in your house’.

Like How [2012] Election Turns Out

Kenneth Copeland, Oct 26th 2012, Prayer Mountain, Branson, MO

“You are going to be glad the way this election turns out. You are going to see and know things. You are going to understand things that you didn’t even know you knew. I have a revealing going on. There is a revealing going on with My people. You are going to be called on by other people. They are going to come to you saying “I don’t understand this. I just don’t understand this. You just seem to make it regardless of what happens”. There are people who are going to come to you thinking they are going to get political advice, and they’re going to find out that they are going to get heavenly advice. And God will use you to set their life loose. And make them free.

“Now, let me give you something here. You immediately think – “ah, hah! that election is going to go the way I’ve been wanting it to go.” But that’s not what He said. He said you’re going to like it. What if the other one were to get elected? You better get on your face and start liking it, because that’s your victory whatever happens! What ever takes place. If God’s Spirit said your going to like it before the election even takes place, what is going to be your response? Thank God I’m going to like the way the election turns out, before it even ever happens, before it ever takes place. I like it. I like it. Yes, I like it.

“That opens you and me up to see and know things. Amen. Because when He speaks His Word, put it in your heart, put in your mouth, put it in your ears, and don’t be moved by anything else.”

Kenneth & Gloria Copeland

Kenneth & Gloria Copeland

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland understand just how life-changing the message of faith is. They started out just like any of us—struggling with continual lack, debt, sickness and discouragement.

Then they decided to trust God and base their lives on His Word. If a situation in their lives didn’t line up with what they read in the Bible, they changed what they did. Every time.

That decision made all the difference. They soon began to experience THE BLESSING—joy, peace, freedom, health and love—in every area of their lives. And as they witnessed their lives changing, they were eager to tell others.

Since 1967, thousands of Partners have learned to apply the Word to their lives, find their unique voice and live in victory. And those Partners are spreading the message, taking it far beyond what Kenneth and Gloria ever dreamed.

– See more at: http://www.kcm.org/about-us